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Hello, I was wondering how much would it cost to make this leotard(image down below) and these measurements: Neck:34 Bust:88 Waist:74 Hips:102 Upper arm:30 Wrist:16 Elbow:25 Shoulder width:17 Sleeve length:58 Collar:4 Leotard length:73 Full body:158.5 Front skirt length:32 Back skirt length:36 How much is shipping to Ireland? And how long will it take to arrive? Thank you very much, Kate

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Hello Kate,


Thank you for your request to calculate the price. According to your measurements the price for the leotard is 465 USD. The price for crystals is 15 USD for each 100 pcs. Shipping is free.

Production of leotard will take 2-3 weeks and shipping takes 1 week.

Let me know if you have any questions. We will be glad to take your order.

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Quality of Our RG Leotards
Quality of Our RG Leotards
Stitches quality

All stitching is performed on industrial machinery. Triple quality control

Body measurements for a perfect fit are easy to make using our video guide